From the Pastor

From Pastor Hayley | August 7, 2024

ChurchPastor's Blog

Church Family,

We have lived in Forney for about a year now and I have a confession to make… we still have a few boxes that we never unpacked. They must have been from the panic stage of packing where we just started throwing things in boxes that don’t go together. Some of these boxes are in our attic and some under our bed.

I imagine I’m not the only one with an unfinished project somewhere around. Do you finish everything you start? I imagine not. And to be honest, some things aren’t always worth finishing.

But don’t think even for a second that we can put God in our collection of unfinished projects. For starters, Hhe isn’t a “project.” Besides, He’s not going to sit on a shelf contentedly waiting for you to give him your attention once the kids are grown, the retirement is funded, or other tasks are completed.

The Israelites learned that lesson the hard way. They returned from Babylonian captivity to rebuild the temple. They started strong but in time turned their attention to other endeavors.

What was important to God became unimportant to them.

Sixteen years had passed without any work being done on the temple, so God allowed drought, downturns, and difficulties to come upon them. And He said, “Give careful thought to your ways” (Haggai 1:5, 7).

God is either the main thing in your life or He is nothing. At the end of the day, each of us are responsible for our own schedule. There is really no such thing as partial obedience. God begins as the priority and then we schedule time with Him. We schedule the things that are important to Him.

Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God…” (Matthew 6:33). The Jews eventually got back to God’s priorities and took part in one of the greatest works of heaven. You can too. There are some things worth finishing… like Chapter 19 of The Story!

Who are you inviting to church this week?

Pastor Hayley