Church Family,
We began our Advent series with the call to “pay attention” and prepare the way for Christ. Luke and Malachi, who we will be looking at this week, both call us to watch for and notice the ones who “prepare the way” for the coming Messiah. We may even notice in their words a call to us to be the ones who answer the call to prepare the way.
But Malachi and John the Baptist (via Luke) share something else: passion. As they are calling us to watch for the coming of the Messiah, their passion is ignited by this hope of our Savior.
Malachi speaks of the refiner’s fire in the context of refining silver, a process that requires close attention. Jesus is coming to be our refiner’s fire and not a fire that consumes, but one that transforms us into something even more valuable.
Join us on Sunday as we talk about the refiner’s fire!
Plan to bring your gifts for the children at The Norville Center. You can drop them in the foyer or FLC.
Who are you inviting to church this week?
Pastor Hayley