Forney Food Pantry items needed

Food Pantry Items Needed

ChurchNews & Events

Mission News

Just a reminder that in 2025, your mission team will be placing a box in the FLC to be a permanent spot for collecting items for the Forney Food Pantry. Each month, we will concentrate on particular items needed. Currently, we are collecting:

  • Tomato and chicken noodle soup
  • Chef Boyardee products
  • Family-sized cereals
  • Cereal bars
  • Fruit snacks

We will have a different box in the foyer, which will be used to collect items for other community agencies. Our February collections will go to the Forney Learning Academy. They can use nonperishable breakfast items, such as Poptarts, breakfast bars, and protein bars.

Both the Forney Food Pantry and the Forney Learning Academy always appreciate your generosity.  It is wonderful to be a part of a church that really is the hands and feet of Christ!