From the Pastor

From Pastor Hayley | January 15, 2025

ChurchPastor's Blog

Church Family,

This Sunday, we began a new series called “The Voice of Jesus.” This is our first series in our year that is all about experiencing “More of Jesus.” On Sunday, everyone received a journal of weekly scripture readings and journaling options. We will have those available on Sunday and also as a PDF.

My hope is that every Wednesday, you start the scripture of the upcoming Sunday and dwell on it until the next Wednesday. That makes a rhythm of listening to the word of God just as you and God, hearing the word of God at church, and then spending a few days in reflection. 

If you are not a daily Bible reader, this is a great way to start. And how cool to focus on the same verses as a church each week. 

We hope to see you at Mid-Week! 

Pastor Hayley