From the Pastor

From Pastor Hayley | January 31, 2024

ChurchPastor's Blog

Church Family,

When discussing the Lord’s supper, Augustine of Hippo said, “If you receive this well, you are what you receive … for the loaf that contains Christ is made up of many individual kernels of grain, but these kernels must, to become the loaf containing Christ, first be ground up and then baked together by fire.”

This last Sunday, we talked about Christian Fellowship and the importance of gathering together for, as we learned from the early church, “apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) Fellowship is essential and at the very heart of what it means to be a follower of Christ. We were created out of the relationship of the Triune God, for relationship with God and each other.

We discussed three very important truths of discipleship. First, we can never do it on our own. Second, God doesn’t intend for us to do it on our own. And third, when we experience the power of deep Christian fellowship, we find that we would never want to do it on our own.

This Sunday, we are pointing our attention towards the Sacraments as a means of Grace. They are not only ways that we experience the grace and power of our Savior, but they also bring us closer in as a body of believers. When we receive these elements, we receive the community we are called to grow with. And just like the bread, the fire of the Holy Spirit will unite us in one heart.

Not only will we be feasting at the Lord’s table, but we will also be feasting at the Chili Cookoff (how is that for a transition!) I cannot wait to experience this incredible event for the first time! What a testament to how this church values the next generation by the way they support it in such big ways. All of the money raised goes to sending our Youth to a mission trip this summer.

I hope to see you on Sunday! Or tonight at Wednesday Night Fellowship!


Pastor Hayley