Church Family,
Happy Wednesday! We have Wednesday night fellowship tonight and we hope that you will join us at 6:00 pm. We are approaching Holy Week with lots of things to participate in. In preparation for all that will be happening around the church, we will be having a work day at the church on Saturday, March 16, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. We will need all hands on deck, so plan to join us at any point Saturday morning!
Palm Sunday March – We will kick off Holy Week with the waving of Palms during both services.
Egg Hunt and Easter Story, Wednesday, March 27th – We will serve free hotdogs at 6:00 pm and start the story and egg hunt at 6:30 pm. We need volunteers! Contact [email protected].
Maundy Thursday, March 28 – We will have a worship service at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. In this service, we will experience the Last Supper together around tables and share in communion together.
Good Friday, March 29 – We will have a worship service at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. We will reflect upon the death of Jesus Christ and end the service in darkness.
Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast, March 31 – We will have a worship service at 6:45 am in the backfield. We will kick off celebrating the Empty Tomb with our Easter Sunrise Service. Plan to stay for Easter Breakfast starting at 7:45 am in the FLC.
Easter Contemporary Service, March 31 – We will have a worship service at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary. We will celebrate Easter during our normal service time.
Easter Traditional Service, March 31 – We will have a worship service at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary. We will Celebrate Easter during our normal service time.
After Easter, we are going to start a church-wide study of “The Story” Bible. For 31 weeks, we will walk through the overarching narrative of scripture. Our goal is to have everyone plugged into a Sunday school class or small group during the study. So be praying about what that might look like for you. There is a very short sign-up form. We need everyone to fill it out so we make sure we have enough books ordered!
I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday! Who are you inviting to church this week?
Pastor Hayley