Church Family,
Happy Wednesday! Due to Forney ISD spring break, we will not have any Bible studies, dinner, or kids choir today. We will still have prayer at noon and we would love for you to join us!
We are traveling back to Forney today. A huge thanks to our amazing staff and volunteers who made Sunday such a special time. And a huge shout out to Chris Krager for bringing the word!
I want to give a glimpse of what to expect as we approach Holy Week at the end of March!
Palm Sunday March – We will kick off Holy Week with the waving of Palms during both services.
Egg Hunt and Easter Story, Wednesday, March 27th – We will serve free hotdogs at 6:00 pm and start the story and egg hunt at 6:30 pm. We need volunteers! Contact [email protected].
Maundy Thursday, March 28 – We will have a worship service at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. In this service, we will experience the Last Supper together around tables and share in communion together.
Good Friday, March 29 – We will have a worship service at 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. We will reflect upon the death of Jesus Christ and end the service in darkness.
Easter Sunrise Service and Breakfast, March 31 – We will have a worship service at 6:45 am in the backfield. We will kick off celebrating the Empty Tomb with our Easter Sunrise Service. Plan to stay for Easter Breakfast starting at 7:45 am in the FLC.
Easter Contemporary Service, March 31 – We will have a worship service at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary. We will celebrate Easter during our normal service time.
Easter Traditional Service, March 31 – We will have a worship service at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary. We will Celebrate Easter during our normal service time.
After Easter, we are going to start a church-wide study of “The Story” Bible. For 31 weeks, we will walk through the overarching narrative of scripture. Our goal is to have everyone plugged into a Sunday school class or small group during the study. So be praying about what that might look like for you.
I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday! Who are you inviting to church this week?
Pastor Hayley